
Thursday, May 24, 2018

One Day Workshop On “Horse Shoeing And Soundness"

Brookes hospital for animals in Pakistan and CVS&AH, AWKUM collaboration continued to benefit DVM students in up-to-date equine practices. In this connection, a second workshop for the students of DVM was organized at the campus. The workshop was organized by Dr Fazle Rabbani, Dr Naimatullah Khan and Dr Sadeeq ur Rahman of the College of veterinary sciences & Animal husbandry, Abdul Wali Khan University on May 14, 2018 entitle “HORSE SHOEING AND SOUNDNESS". The Guest Speaker of the workshop Dr. Ikram Ullah Khan Veterinary officer, Brooke Hospital, Islamabad attended the programme along with Mr Aziz Farrier, Brook hospital.

The speaker delivered a comprehensive lecture on importance of Equine Foot and various ailments related with foot. They also performed practical demonstration on hoof care such as Trimming, Shoeing, and Nailing using various Farriers and shoeing Kits. As part of the DVM curriculum, Students of DVM 8th semester got hands on practices on hoof trimming, shoeing and nailing etc. At the end, the chief guest and Principal CVS&AH Dr Sadeeq ur Rahman thanked the resources persons and continuous support from Brookes hospital for animals-Pakistan. It was told that a MoU for future collaboration will soon be signed between CVS&AH and Brookes hospital for animals-Pakistan.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Seminar Organized at Timergara Campus on “Growing Population and Planning”

Department of Sociology, AWKUM Timergara Campus, in collaboration with the population welfare department lower dir, organized a daylong workshop on “growing population and planning”. Faculty members, students and employees of the population welfare department participated in the workshop. Acting chairman department of sociology Mr. Zia-ul-Islam, welcomed the guests and appreciated the efforts of organizers. District population welfare officer Mr. Muhammad Basit Seed presented cross country analysis on the demographic situation of world and Pakistan and spread light on the domain and responsibilities of population welfare department. He said that proper planning is being made in developed countries while keeping in view their population growth. They also emphasized on the hurdles caused by overpopulation in provision of education, health and entertainment facilities.

Chairman department of management sciences Mr. Nadeem-ul-Haq elaborated that over population in Pakistan is hindering the equal distribution of resources. It needs the hour to control the birth rate and keep proper interval in children. He emphasized on the use of mix strategy of two well known approaches, “clinical approach” & “extension approach”, combination of which can changed the scenario dramatically.   

Guest speakers also stressed on educating the millions of illiterate rural people towards family planning. The continuations of social and psychological barriers which block the efforts of “promoting family planning” are needed to be reconciled. Emphasis must be given to educating and motivating young couples toward birth spacing well before they marry. Voluntary organizations can help in motivating the public and raising the awareness in masses about the dangers of overpopulation.

Open Defense of Mr. Ijaz Khalid, PhD Scholar of Political Science

Monday, May 21, 2018

Dr. Ilyas Khan, Assistant Professor of Law, Published a Research Paper

Dr. Ilyas Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Law has published one research paper title "Conceptual Approach to Trafficking of Children for Domestic Work" in (Pakistan Journal of Criminology, Vol. 10, Issue 1, January 2018 (55-66), (HEC "Y" Category)

Dr. Irfan Khattak and Dr. Tahir Usman, Assistant Professors (CVS&AH) Conducted Training Workshop at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar

One Day Hands on Training Workshop on EndNote was conducted in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar dated May 04, 2018.  Dr. Irfan Khattak and Dr. Tahir Usman, Assistant Professors of the College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, AWKUM were the resource persons of the workshop. More than 50 students and faculty members of the university attended the said workshop. Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. Razia Sultana Vice Chancellor of SBBWU Peshawar appreciated and thanked the resource persons and requested to conduct a second series of the workshop for those who missed the registration due to limited number of slots.  The Vice Chancellor Dr. Razia Sultana and the workshop coordinator Dr. Sadia Butt presented the shields to the organizers and the resource persons and distributed certificates amongst all the participants of the workshop.

Muhammad Sohail Alam Khan, Lecturer of Economics, Presented a Paper in a National Conference

Muhammad Sohail Alam Khan, Lecturer, Department of Economics, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan delivered an oral presentation of a research paper “Impact of Money Supply on Aggregate Demand in Pakistan” at 1st National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Pakistan Economy; Socio-Economic Challenges and Opportunities” held on April 25-27, 2018, organized by Department of Economics, Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Abbottabad, KP, Pakistan.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Dr. Anwar Hussain, Assistant Professor of Botany Conducted A Workshop As a Resource Person at The Women University Multan

Dr. Anwar Hussain, Assistant Professor of Botany conducted a two day workshop “Get Your Research Organized with Turnitin, SPSS & EndNote” as a resource person. The workshop was jointly organized by Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and ORICـWUM, The Women University Multan. He delivered lectures on the use of SPSS for the analysis of data and guided the participants in the practical sessions. Faculty and research students from different department of the WUM participated in the workshop. A souvenir was presented to him by the end of the workshop.

AWKUM Timergara Campus Organized Two-Days Workshop on “Youth Capacity Building”

AWKUM Timergara Campus in collaboration with “Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS)” organized Two-Days Youth Capacity Building Workshops in the main auditorium on May 11-12, 2018. The workshop was participated by the students of Abdul Wali Khan University, Timergara Campus; University of Swat; University of Malakand; Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal; and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Wari Campus.

The purpose of the workshop was to address the radicalization challenges, extremist ideologies and foster social cohesion through a discourse anchored in the core constitutional values which are fundamentally essential prerequisites for social peace and harmony. The aim was to cultivate and sensitize the youth - in the universities across KP and FATA - in the core values in the Pakistani constitution and our social contract. It’s an attempt to highlight the criticality of abiding by these ideals – such as adherence to rule of law, primacy and sanctity of constitution, equal citizenry, responsible citizenship, respect for fundamental human rights, tolerance for diversity and different opinions, inclusive democracy and good governance - as a measure of fostering social cohesion and peaceful co-existence.

Guest speakers shared their experiences and visions with the participants and stressed on active participation of the students in each spare of life. Mr. Muzafar Said, Former Finance Minister, KPK, said that, no one can strengthen democracy in the country unless he promotes democratic practices within families as well as political parties. Democracy means tolerance and a positive attitude. It also means indiscriminate accountability; an accountable, transparent and responsible government including accountability of the elected representatives to the public. The self-accountability is also important to strengthen the democratic practices. Only in a country where the rule of law means more than formal, legal validity will subjects enjoy real protection from official tyranny and abuse

The DPO (SWAT) stressed that the youth, in order to achieve success, need to nourish their minds with positivity as a prerequisite for positive thoughts, words, actions, habits and characters; as the quality of character makes the quality of success in life. He said that the peace lies within patience and tolerance. The highest form of the strength is forgiveness and highest form of the weakness is revengefulness. The real benchmark of success is our ability to respect people regardless of their backgrounds. This will not only ensure inner peace but will also contribute to social peace and harmony.  The youth should always be willing to go an extra mile as it is one of the fundamental qualities of leaders.

Mr. Minhaj-ud-Din, Coordinator Timergara Campus, expressed gratitude and appreciated the efforts of CRSS for organizing such a creative workshop in the vicinity. He stressed that the youth, in order to achieve success, need to nourish their minds with positivity as a prerequisite for positive thoughts, words, actions, habits and characters; as the quality of character makes the quality of success in life. At the end, he awarded the participants with “certificates of participation”.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dr. Muhammad Ajaz, Assistant Professor of Physics, Published Two Papers

Dr. Muhammad Ajaz, Assistant Professor of Physics has published two paper in the following impact factor journals.

1. Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 33, No. 14 (2018) 1850079 (13 pages) @ World Scientific Publishing Company 

The paper title is “Comparison of different hadron production models for the study of π±, K±, protons and antiprotons production in proton carbon interactions at 90 GeV/c” DOI: 10.1142/S0217732318500797. 

2.  International Journal of Modern Physics E, Volume 27, Issue 04, 1850036, April 2018. The title of the paper is "Observation of universality for hig pT distribution at LHC energies”

Dr. Anwar Hussain, Assistant Professor Of Botany Published Two Research Articles

Dr. Anwar Hussain, Assistant Professor of Botany published two research articles in journal of BMC Complementary and alternative medicines and Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.

1.  Glycyrrhiza glabra HPLC fractions: identification of Aldehydo Isoophiopogonone and Liquirtigenin having activity against multidrug resistant bacteria.

2. Salt tolerance of Glycine max .L induced by endophytic fungus Aspergillus flavus CSH1, via regulating its endogenous hormones and antioxidative system

Books Donated to The Department of Political Science By Director IIRD

Dr. Husnul Amin, Director Iqbal Institute of Research (IIRD) and Dialogue, IIUI, on his visit to the Department of Political Science, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan,Description: donated the IIRD Published books to the Department. The books were formally handed over to the Chairman of the Department of Political Science.

Department Of Political Science Organized A Talk On "Critical Reflections On Social Non-Movements In Pakistan”

Dr. Husnul Amin Director Iqbal, Institute of Research and Dialogue, IIUI, delivered a talk on "critical reflections on social non-movements in Pakistan", on May 11, 2018, in the Video Conference Room, Main Campus. The Talk was organized by Department of Political Science, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan.Description:

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Lists of Position Holders Selected For 4th Convocation of AWKUM

Notification From Office of The Registrar regarding Office Timings During Holy Month of Ramazan

Newspaper Cutting Regarding IBL

Dr. Saleem Khan Assistant Prof. of Economics, presented his paper at a National Conference

Dr. Saleem Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, orally presented his research paper on “Trade Liberalization Effects on Bilateral Import Demand: Estimation for Pakistan” in the 1st National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Pakistan Economy: Socio Economic Challenges and Opportunities” held on April 25-27, 2018, organized by the Department of Economics, Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Abbottabad.

DR. Muhammad Tariq, Assistant Professor Department of Economics Presented a Paper in National Conference

Dr. Muhammad Tariq, Assistant Professor Department of Economics, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan delivered an oral presentation of a research paper “Does Exchange Rate Matters? A Study of the Open Economy Taylor Rule based Monetary Policy Reaction Function of State Bank of Pakistan?” at 1st National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Pakistan Economy; Socio-Economic Challenges and Opportunities”  held on April 25-27, 2018, organized by Department of Economics,  Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Abbottabad, KP, Pakistan.

Exhibition at UCW

You are warmly invited only female students and faculty members to Eid Gala on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at UCW Garden Campus, AWKUM, organized by Ms. Naseem Rafiq Principal, UCW (AWKUM) along with Ms. Robina Zakir and faculty members of UCW (AWKUM).

Monday, May 14, 2018

Eid Gala at UCW


All female students and faculty are invited in Eid Gala at UCW on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.


Robina Zakir

Home Economics Department


Thursday, May 10, 2018

District Zakat Office Buner has issued cheques of MORA Scholarship 2017-18

District Zakat Office Buner has issued cheques of MORA Scholarship 2017-18 not mentioning their departments “Students of BS having domicile of District Buner”

Father Name
Lawangeen Khan
M. Israr
Imran Zeb

The above students are directed to contact Financial Aid and Development office Provost building AWKUM.
Director Financial Aid & Development AWKUM
